On behalf of FreedomWorks’ activist community, I urge you to contact your representative and senators ask them to cosponsor the American Healthshare Plans Act, H.R. 6712 and S. 3610, introduced in the House by Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah) and in the Senate by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). This bill would allow non-employer membership organizations to offer health insurance to individuals, including across state lines, opening up a much-needed alternate path to coverage.
The current structure of American healthcare, wherein a majority of people acquire health insurance as a benefit from their employer, increasingly does not serve the needs of a huge segment of the public. Five years ago, 30 percent of Americans were already self-employed or working for those who were. That number is expected to continue increasing rapidly, especially with large numbers of younger adults gravitating towards contract and gig economy work.
ObamaCare’s regulations already sharply decreased the choice and quality of health insurance available to people who have to shop as individuals. Now add the tens of millions of Americans who have been displaced from their jobs by the response to COVID-19, many of whom may not get those jobs back immediately, and you have an enormous pool of Americans who could benefit from having affordable options for quality health insurance.
The American Healthshare Plans Act unlocks a major, promising alternative to the status quo in health coverage by allowing membership organizations to stand in for employers in terms of offering health coverage to their members. This would allow everyone from Lyft drivers to small business owners to the unemployed to join a healthshare group and have the same degree of higher-quality and lower-cost selection of coverage that is available to those who have employer-sponsored insurance.
These recent, colossal increases in unemployment have drawn calls from progressives that our healthcare system is obviously broken and that therefore we need a centralized, government healthcare option to take care of the newly uninsured. They’re right about the problems created by our system being dominated by third-party payments and insurance that is tied to your employer, but the solution is precisely the opposite - more choices.
For these reasons, I urge you to contact your representative and senators and ask them to cosponsor the American Healthshare Plans Act, H.R. 6712 and S. 3610.
Sincerely, Adam Brandon, President, FreedomWorks